Ceramic veneers is just a name. Every clinic uses different veneers depending on doctor’s preference. There are many extremely important stages of planning, manufacturing and cementing ceramic veneers, which must be performed with maximum perfectionism.
How are veneers placed on teeth?
First of all, we need to make sure that the veneer fits perfectly and that the teeth are dry and clean. Teeth should be perfectly sterile. Only after that we start cementing the veneers. Several consecutive manipulations are followed by obligatory polishing of teeth. All veneers are installed. We are going to photograph the final result and rejoice together with the client.
How are veneers made?
First, we model the shape of future teeth. This is the shape that has already been approved by the client when plastic veneers were fitted. Thanks to modern technologies we can be 100% sure what will your future smile look like. The next stages are 3D printing and milling of each tooth from a piece of high-strength ceramics. Then a specialist manually customizes each veneer: he grinds, paints the veneer and creates the macro- and microstructure of the tooth.
Fitting a new smile
The process of preparation and fitting of temporary veneers